Biota Seed (Platycladi Semen Preparatum)
Type: Herbs
Latin Name: Platycladi Semen Preparatum
Chinese Name: Bai Zi Ren
Biota Seed, also known as Platycladi Semen Preparatum or Bai Zi Ren, refers to the prepared seeds of the Biota orientalis (Thuja orientalis) tree. Under the buddhist school of thought, the Thuja orientalis tree is termed the "Tree of Life" and is commonly associated with long life and vitality.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), biota seeds tranqulise the mind and calm the spirit, helping to treat stress symptoms such as restlessness, palpitations, anxiety or insomnia. Studies show that biota Seeds contain two phytochemicals – flavonoids and saponins, which increase serotonin levels for better mood and mental health.
The saponins found in biota seeds also has sedative properties that calm the brain and trigger sleepiness. This can help to reduce insomnia, disturbed sleep, nightmares and jet lag, helping to improve your emotional well-being.
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