Probiotics are friendly bacteria residing in the gut that promote good digestion, aid nutrients absorption and support immunity. A healthy person carries trillions of microorganisms (including bacteria and yeast), which collectively known as 'intestinal flora'; however the number of good bacteria decreases as we age. What's more, probiotics are vulnerable to many factors such as stress, poor diet habits and use of medication, especially antibiotics.
The strength of our immunity is largely determined by the health of the gut as about 70% of the entire immune system is located in the digestive tract. This is why it is important to consume sufficient amount of probiotics in order to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, which then translates to stronger immune system.
A sufficient intake of probiotics is important for those suffering from poor digestion, bloatedness, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and weak immunity. Common food sources include yogurt and fermented foods (e.g. tempeh, kimchi, miso and natto). Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are the two main strains of bacteria that can be commonly found in food products or supplements as they have been widely studied and proven for their benefits.
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