Type: Prebiotics
What are Prebiotics?
Just like Probiotics, prebiotics are an essential part of your gut health. Prebiotics are a type of specialised plant fibre that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut and stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria. Prebiotics are often found in fruits and vegetables that contain complex carbohydrates, such as artichokes, asparagus, bananas and apples.
When prebiotics are broken down, it creates short-chain fatty acids that can help to improve digestion and metabolism, regulate bowel movement, suppress appetite, boost immunity, and reduce risk of allergies and colon cancer.
What's the difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics?
While both support the growth of friendly bacteria and aid digestive health, they help in different ways. Majority of probiotics are live organisms, which come in the form of bacteria and yeast strains that increase the amount of friendly bacteria in your gut. Prebiotics are not live organisms, but rather, naturally occurring food components for the probiotics to grow. In short, prebiotics are the fertiliser that helps probiotics to multiply, which is why they are often linked in health supplements.
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