Lingzhi Cracked Spores Powder (Ganoderma Lucidum Cracked Spores Powder)
Other name: Reishi Mushroom Cracked Spores Powder
Type: Fungus
Science has confirmed that the beneficial part of Lingzhi are actually its Spores. Much like the protective shell of an egg, Lingzhi Spores are kept within a hard cell wall structure in a powdery form, to keep its beneficial nutrients of polysaccharides, triterpenoids, Lingzhi Spore oil, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and other unsaturated fatty acids within.
Polysaccharides contain beta-glucans, which triggers the body's first line of defence by activating cytokines (natural killer/NK cells) to hinder the growth of any infected cells in your body while accelerating your recovery. Triterpenoids limit the movement of infected cells to other parts of your body via your blood or lymphatic systems.
With these two potent components, Lingzhi Spores powder boost your immunity, enabling your body's natural resistance to fight against failing health. The molecular weight of Polysaccharides and Triterpenoids in Lingzhi Spores powder are also smaller compared to Lingzhi extract, allowing it to be easily absorbed by the body with no obvious bitter taste.
Advanced cell-wall cracking technology is required to break open the shell containing the Lingzhi Spores powder. Furthermore, Lingzhi Spores powder can only be extracted once a year in limited amounts, which is why products made of 100% Lingzhi Cracked Spores Powder are of a higher quality and price.
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