New Beginnings With LAC

Today, 21 May 2022, LAC launches 54 stores in Singapore, with many more to come.

21 May 2022
Dear customers,
Today, 21 May 2022, LAC launches 54 stores in Singapore with many more to come. The launch marks a new milestone for our brand and practice of harnessing the best of eastern wisdom and western technology to neutralise free radicals, combat ageing brought forth by oxidative stress, and support everyone daily in looking, feeling, and functioning at best.
Besides LAC-branded products, the newly launched 54 stores and will carry brands like Childlife, ON, MuscleTech, BSN, Isopure and many more.
Consumers’ bonus dollars under the prior loyalty programme will be credited to the LAC Rewards programme, with more exciting perks in the pipeline.
We look forward to bringing forth a wider and more robust selection of health and nutritional supplements that keep you in the pink of health and allow you to function at your very best!
Yours sincerely,
LAC Team