Hyaluronic Acid
Found naturally in our body, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is an important structural component of body tissues, including the eye and fluids surrounding the joints and collagen. It has the ability to bind and retain water molecules, therefore keeping tissues lubricated. Just like collagen, HA decreases with age. Over time, this may lead to dehydration and loss of elasticity.
HA is commonly used as a hydrating agent for the skin, joints and eyes.
To restore skin moisture and prevent dehydration, which may cause rough, dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles
Lubricate achy joints and keep the bones from painfully grinding against each other
Relieve dry eyes by replenishing moisture within the eye socket
Common food sources include joint tissue of animals such as chicken cartilage & bone broth, where the highest concentration of HA is found. However, it can be time-consuming to prep.
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